Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Old but cool

This was for digital painting last semester, it was the first assignment which was paint a stillife with a figure, and I did my grandma sitting on her couch. This was a fun assignment. I wish I had the opportunity do it from life, rather photo, the colors would have been different.

Next, I'm going to be working on a redo of this:

I'm going to be remaking this old assignment from junior year all digitally in photoshop :) Revamping all the character designs, planning out the environments, designing what's in the environments, adjusting and fixing the majority of the compositions. I'm so pumped to work on this now!

 Lastly I have to finish this for my portfolio as well, lots and lots of work ahead for me, but I'm very excited! Below are some fun little infested human designs for a project.